From Bianca Nikol’s Mother
On June 28, 2017 I was living every parent’s nightmare – having lost my son Mykel James Rowely in 2013 to heart failure. My daughter and I had spent the prior 3 years just adapting to life without her brother – without my son – he was gone way too soon at the young age of 22. Little did we know she would be murdered on this day.
Bianca Nikol Roberson was my last child – my baby. On this day she was driving home after our college shopping trip. She was simply driving home on familiar roads and for reasons it seems will never be admitted – my 18-year-old daughter was shot dead by a young man who lifted a loaded handgun off the seat of his truck and shot her while passing. He then hid out for days before turning himself into authorities and claiming he shot her because he was scared of her.
Bianca had recently graduated from Bayard Rustin High School with a full scholarship to Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida. She already knew she wanted to study criminal law with the goal of later joining the FBI. Tragically, her life was cut short due to a random act of hatred and gun violence.
At 18 years young – Bianca already embodied the ideas of selflessness and inclusion. She embraced those that she came across – regardless of their age, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or anything else where being judgmental could be applied.
The Bianca Nikol Merge with Mercy Foundation will carry out the intent behind her radiant and welcoming smile. Bianca’s desire to help mitigate societal challenges for the oppressed will be supported through the Foundation’s Mission.
Our goal is to continue to keep Bianca’s story alive by way of education and results driven change.
Your help, by way of tax-deductible donations and involvement will support our efforts and further our cause.
God bless,
Michelle Roberson
Chief Operating Officer